To create assignments, click on the Create / Schedule an Assignment shortcut on your Trainer Panel.
Then click on the Create A New Assignment button. Next, select the group to which the assignment will be given, and determine the deadline for the assignment. You can then add one or more exercises; there is no limit to how many. Finally, click on the blue Assign button so all the learners will see the assignment appear in their Learner Panel.
Good to know: every assignment created, whether assigned (sent to your learners) or not, is saved in your Assignments workspace, until you delete it.
- You can make changes to your assignments, assigned or not, provided the deadline has not passed. For Assigned assignments, the learners will be notified of the change on their Learner Panel.
- You can change the deadline for an assignment provided the date has not passed; your learners will be informed of the changed date on their Learner Panel. The date is inclusive: thus if the deadline is 24/09/21, it will remain accessible to students until 23:59 on 24/09/21.
- Two assignments for the same group cannot both have the same deadline.
To add a learning unit to an assignment that you are creating, you have several options:
- On the Assignments page, you can click on Add An Exercise for the active assignment. You can then choose the type of exercise, exploring the content on the catalogue pages or using the search tools to help you. When you find an exercise you like, click on the pink plus icon on the exercise thumbnail and assign it to a group.
- If you stumble upon an exercise you like while exploring the site, you can click the plus icon and add the learning unit to an assignment you are currently working on, or start creating a new assignment that will include that learning unit. Please note that you cannot add a learning unit to a group assignment that has not yet been created.
- If, on the other hand, you have not yet created an assignment but would like to bookmark an exercise for later use, click the star icon on the thumbnail (on mobile phones and tablets, open the unit first and then click the star icon) to add the unit to your Favourites list. It will then be easy to find when you are creating a new assignment: all you need do is return to your Favourites list and click on the plus icon on the exercise to add it to the assignment you are working on or to create a new assignment from it.
To add or delete a learning unit from an assignment that you have already Assigned to your learners:
- On the Assignments page, go the assignment you wish to modify
- Delete or add units to the assignment
- Once you are happy with your changes, click the Save Changes button on the assignment. Your learners will be notified about the changed assignment on their Learner Panel.
Good to know: you retain all flexibility. You can assign up to 99 learning units per assignment, and are not limited in the number of assignments you can assign to a group. It's up to you to choose the amount of work involved, and to set the expected time for completion (days, weeks, an entire term...). Provided the deadline does not coincide with the deadline for another assignment, a group can have several assignments ongoing at the same time.
For every assignment issued, you can track the current status of learner compliance. The names of the learners in the group will be displayed, along with each learner's scores for the learning units completed.
You can also refer to your Trainer Panel to know how many days remain until the deadline for assignments in progress.
Good to know: a learner can replay any or all of the learning units in an assignment as many times as desired provided the deadline has not passed, and during this time the learner's best score on each learning unit in the assignment will be the one retained. As soon as the deadline passes, the scores can no longer change for that specific assignment, but the learner can nevertheless continue to improve on his or her score for that learning unit outside of the assignment.
No, you cannot simultaneously give the same assignment to several groups. You can however, duplicate an assignment so you can assign a copy of it to another group. To do this, click on the "duplicate" icon in any assignment (on mobile phones and tablets, click on the "duplicate and assign" button). This will create an identical copy of the assignment which you can then assign to any group, or modify and then assign. Don’t forget to add a deadline, otherwise you will not be able to actually assign the duplicated assignment to another group.
Good to know: you can use any assignment as a model, whereby you duplicate and assign it to as many groups as you wish.
You can delete entire assignments, but only if they are as yet unassigned or still in progress. If the deadline for the assignment has passed, you can no longer delete it. When an assignment in progress is deleted, it is also deleted for the students (who will receive notification of the cancelled assignment on their Student Panel), but their score in the assigned learning units will remain in the students' data.
Only assignments in the target language are displayed in the Learner Panel for that language; e.g., if a learner is currently using Do You Speak Grand Est for learning English, the learner will only see assignments and Assessment Test notifications for learning English. If another language is also being studied, the learner has to switch the language being learned (via the Change button) in order to see the relevant assignment and test information for that language in the Learner Panel.